Africa’s future is bright!  Young African inventors are changing the continent’s narrative. Now is the time for Africa’s youth to shine.  Here are 5 African inventors creating solutions to African and global problems.

Kelvin Doe (Sierra Leone) is a self taught engineer who built his own generator and radio transmitter at the age of 13.
At 16, he built a battery that can provide electricity to homes within his community where there is no constant power supply. The battery was made from acid, soda, and metal parts scavenged from trash bins.

Thato Kgatlhanye (21, South Africa) created Repurpose Schoolbags. Repurpose Schoolbags is made of recycled plastic bags and integrates solar technology so that children may study for up to 12 hours. The retro-reflective material of the schoolbag also makes the children more visible and safe on their walk to school after dark.

Ludwick Marishane (24, South Africa) was still in high school when he thought of ‘Dry bath’- the world’s first and only bath-substituting antibacterial and biodegradable skin gel. His invention is particularly useful for rural communities where there is limited access to clean water.

Arthur Zang (24, Cameroon) developed Africa’s first handheld medical computer tablet that help diagnose people with heart disease.
His patented invention Cardiopad, is a 25 centimeter touch-screen medical tablet that enables health workers to perform cardiac tests such as electrocardiograms (ECG) at far away remote areas and beyond. The reports are then be wirelessly send results to doctors via the Internet for interpretation.
Zang’s invention will help millions of people who suffer from heart related problems, most especially those in the rural areas.

Verone Mankou (28, Democratic Republic of Congo) is the founder of VMK and the inventor of Way-C tablet. He is also the creator of the first African made mobile phone, Elikia (“Hope”). His devices offer affordable smart devices to his country and Africa and increase internet access in the country.

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